Learning Intensive Retreats

“The church desperately needs leaders who think critically and handle Scripture with integrity.”

Learning Retreat Intensives are designed to edify and build up the body of Christ by providing college and graduate level biblical education to key leaders in the church in a unique and powerful way. Learning Retreat Intensives are designed for leaders who…

  • Long for deep learning, but don’t have the time or resources to pursue a college or graduate degree in Bible or Theology

  • View study as an act of worship that glorifies God and nurtures the soul

  • Desire to hone skills as a leader in the body of Christ

  • Yearn to be part of a community of leaders who value continued growth

Learning Intensives take the best of a Seminary or University education and reshape it in light of the following convictions…

Lifelong Learning. We never fully plume the depths of God’s wisdom and truth. Whether you have a graduate degree or no formal biblical or theological training, continued study and growth is essential to good leadership. The church needs leaders who posses a deep grasp of Scripture and can rightly apply God’s word to life and ministry.

Scholarly and Relevant Instruction. Learning Retreats are led by veteran Biblical scholars with earned terminal degrees in their field (D. Min. or PhD.) and teach or have taught in fully accredited Colleges and Universities. These scholars essentially bring the same teaching they offer in their university courses, but in a four to five day, non-credit intensive format. Most importantly, these experts in their field love the body of Christ and understand the dynamics of ministry in local congregations and para-church organizations. Each “scholar practitioner” possess extensive ministry experience which allows them to translate scholarly research into the life of the church in meaningful ways.

The curriculum includes intensive courses on the Gospels, the Psalms, Genesis 1-12, Acts, The Minor Prophets and more. Leaders who complete five courses from the curriculum receive a Certificate in Formative Biblical Studies.

Transformational rather than Transactional education. Higher education in colleges and universities often feels like a transaction. Learners complete a series of tasks (tests, papers and assignments) in exchange for a diploma or certification. In my own educational experience, I often felt as if I scurried from one assignment to the next, without sufficient time to deeply engage the teaching. Our Learning Retreats take a different approach. We focus on transformation rather than the transaction. Every hour of instruction is balanced by time to reflect on the teaching. Because participants are motivated to apply the learning to their own life and ministry, the need for exams and written assignments is diminished. Processing and integration comes during the reflection and in interaction as the community gathers to discuss ways to integrate the teaching into life and ministry.

Incarnational Learning Model. Christian education cannot ignore the implications of the Incarnation. Jesus came down to be with his disciples. At Learning Retreat Intensives, 20-30 participants eat with, worship with, share the Lord’s Supper with, and live with their teacher for the week. What takes place outside of the teaching times is just as significant as what happens during lectures. Instead of a classroom, the whole experience takes place in a retreat setting that encourages participants to think of study as an act of worship.

Affordability. Because we are independent of accredited Seminaries and Universities, Learning Retreat Intensives can offer college and graduate level instruction at a fraction of the cost of a graduate class. The registration fee not only includes the instruction, but also lodging and meals at the retreat center. The Learning Retreat model is not only more affordable, it also immerses learners in practice that draws from Christian monastic and Jewish Rabbinic models of education. The goal isn’t to become a seminary or replace seminaries, but rather to offer a valuable alternative for Christian leaders seeking theological education and continued growth.