Nurturing the soul of Christian leaders for the good of the Kingdom

Different Makes a Difference…

A Unique Perspective

It all begins with a unique perspective - nine years preaching in a local congregation followed by twenty years teaching in a Christian University. As a preaching minister I seldom had time to reflect, but my twenty years in academic life afforded an opportunity to study more deeply, read more widely, and most importantly, reflect critically on my ministry. Throughout my academic career I’ve continued to preach and lead congregations as an interim minister, integrating formative principles into sermons, worship and the life of the church. My life path has given me a unique perspective to share with other leaders.

A Unique Approach

I believe the best teaching is incarnational and experiential. Discipleship best occurs in community and through presence. In light of this conviction, I create sacred space for leaders to study deeply in a context of worship and pastoral care. Whether it is the Spiritual Formation Leadership Summit, a Learning Retreats,, a Holy Land Pilgrimage, or a Small Group Leader Training Program, I teach in a context of prayer, worship and care.

A Blended Skill Set

I’m a generalist and a practitioner by training with graduate degrees in New Testament and Preaching (M.A), Church History (M. Div.) and a D. Min with an Old Testament Concentration. My training helps me integrate Scripture and the traditions of the church with contemporary life and ministry. While I teach mostly Old Testament in my undergraduate courses, my specialty interest has been spiritual formation. I’ve completed both the Academy for Spiritual Formation and the Renovare Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. I direct the M.A. NT Spiritual Formation Concentration at Johnson University and also teach as an adjunct at Richmont Graduate University.